Ohio teens for christ

April 10-11


OTFC is an annual Christian convention for students in grades 7-12 that happens every Easter Weekend (Good Friday and Saturday) at the Hilton Columbus at Easton. 

Students will experience powerful speaking, engaging worship, exciting and impactful memories, opportunities to grow in faith and leadership, and chances to get to know other teens from the midwest.


Cost: $95

This covers their hotel room, two meals, and event admission.

*Students will need to bring money for lunch Friday & Saturday. 

Important Times: 

Friday April 10

8:30am - Students meet at BCC to head to Easton

Saturday April 11

4:30pm - Students will be back at BCC to be picked up

(See the OTFC website for full schedule of the weekend)

How to register

Fill out the registration form below. 

You will also need to fill out an Activity Participation Form if you haven't already. 

Please register by March 18

Payment will be due on April 10. 

For questions, contact Will Haussler


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